Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Let's get rich.

I am currentli readin this book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. This talks about how you can handle your money and how money can work for you. I haven't read the half of it, but it looks like it's gonna be useful in getting all the money I want. Yey. Money may not buy happiness, but it can sure buy things that can make one happy. Lolz. Materialistic bitch. Haha. Don't be a hypocrite now and tell me money isn't important. But it is.

I qoute: Money is not the root of all evil, but the lack of it is. Agree or agree? Admit it, it's true. And I know you want to get rich too. So, ye. I definiteli recommend this book to y'all. This book will tell you how your secured high-paying job is not the answer to your equalli high debts. Get a second job or a third job? Won't resolve your money problems too. Ima find out what will and Ima get back to you. Winks.


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