Wednesday, July 08, 2009


We broke last July 7, 2009. To be specific, you broke up with me in an offline message. Cool. I am really sad right now and very confused. I did not really understand what your reason was. I read the message three times and thought twice if it was a break up message. Then, I saw your status in friendster and you are now listed as single. Then, I am pretty sure that was a break up message right there.

How could it be so easy for you?
Why did you do it in an offline message?

Those are just the things I want to ask.

But I don't really want to get the answers right now. Maybe I am afraid of the answers.

I'll get my answers later, maybe.

But for now, I will let you be.


At Wednesday, February 17, 2010 10:31:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

because i didnt love you at all. panakip-butas ka lang.


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