Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Trip.

We planned the trip for almost a month. And ye, it's done now. But I can still feel the fun at the tip of my toenails. The Baguio climate was perfect. Lotsa cute guys. Purrrfect. We left Manila 3pm,October 14th. We didn't waste anytime, right after we unpack, we set foot to finding a place to parti. We went to this bar called Albertos. It wus jampacked wit people. And it wus hella hot inside. We danced and drank. Twus fun. Not bad fa the first night.

Next day (Sunday, October 15), we go shop fa things, taking pictures on the side. Then we went to the mall to have coffee (at koffia) and took pictures (again). The sunset at the balconi of the mall where we are having coffee was breathtaking. It got darker and the view took my breath so far away, it took all of me, and for a split second, I understood once again to be in love. That night we didn't go out. We decided to drink at that place where we be staying. We had tequilas. Yuuuummm. The plan was, shot or dare. If you don't wanna take the shot, then it's a dare fa you. But ye ye, we were all hardii and everyone took all of em shots. But the winner that night was Virgii. Haha. She was sooo dead drunk, she was talkin in her sleep. Then I went and ask her questions and she didn't disappoint us, she was answering. Haha. We got that recorded in my phone. Yey. I'll transcribe everything, Virgii. Haha. We laughed and I cried and I got spooked and I got mad wit Red. Sounds fun. I mean, From F to the U to the friggin N.

Next day (Monday, October 16th), the three other people who were with us left that day. Anne, Virgii and Ace. But Red's partner, Rim arrived earli that day. So, all four of us were left. Of course, we shop again, then we had coffee at koffia. Kyla's uncle was with us. That night, we had some sorta miscommunication. Haha. But we were able to patch things and we went out. That night turned out so well. We got back to the hotel realli realli realli drunk, except for Kyla. That mean concoction that we had wassss pretti hard. Haha. The bar calls it lethal injection. And man, it was the shit. That shit got me high. Man, twus one helluva night. But definiteli grrrrrreat.

Next day (Tuesday, October 17th), we just had rest the whole day. Then we got the news that Red will be off to China on the 28th. Sad. So, Rim and him didn't join us that night. They wanted some time alone, for them to talk. So we left them. So, it wus just us, gurls who went out. Kyla and I was realli wishing to meet friends when we went to that bar we had been the other night, the lethal injection bar. Haha. So, ye. We ordered margaritas. Not too many people though, cuz it wus a tuesday night. So, ye. Then one of the djs approached us and talked to kyla. Then this other dj who was also serving tables gave us tequilas. This guy from the other table ordered it for us in exchange for my number. Haha. Funny. Of course I don't wanna give out my number without even knowing the person, ya? So, Kyla was still talkin to this DJ. Name is Jovic. And I was just sitting there sippin my margarita, and puffing and having fun. Hehe. The guy who gave us margaritas wouldn't wanna go to our table and talk to us. So, ya. Haha. And damn, I wus like, how can I even drink this free margarita when I don't even know who bought it. I felt like we (me and kyla) were two fishes in an aquarium. Haha. Felt like someone is staring and waiting for us to do something stupid. Hehe. Then the people from the table where the free margarita came from left, so we were able to drink the margarita. Haha. Our mission that night was accomplished. We met this realli realli cool guys. The DJ's in this bar (DJ Jovic, Jun, JP, Pots). They finna invited us to join the "after party" at this JP's place. We went to the after party, and man they were nice and and it was all clean. Then they finna invited us to their cook out later that day.

Wednesday (October 18), we're suppose to go home after lunch. But of course, the new found friends invited us to the cook out. So, we checked outta the hotel at 1pm, then Jovic picked us up and went to JP's place. Then ye. We drank and eat. And eat lots. Cupcake Jun's sinigang was the best. The tahong was delicious. And the sashimi was nice. We played video games, drank, eat more and drank more. It wus great to be wit fun people. Red and Rim was there too cuz they agreed to leave later. Everything went ok. First plan was to leave 12 midnight but of course what happened was, Kyla and I left the next day at 8am. But it was all fun. I can't stress more how fun it all wus. But all I can say is, we're definiteli goin back. Yey.

Oh Baguio, Baguio. I'll go back there and experience the magic once more.


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